Monday, September 13, 2010

Seth Michael Enslow

Seth Michael Enslow was born on Wednesday August 18th at 7:14pm. He weighed 6 lbs 5 oz. (the exact same weight that his dad was!) and is as bald as Paul will be in a few years.

His due date was August 30th, making him 12 days early. Kiki's water broke around 10:30pm on Tuesday the 17th (causing Kiki to jump up and down for joy and give me like a million high fives). This was a huge blessing for us, due to the fact that for the past 3 weeks Kiki had been having very strong contractions that were 2-3 minutes apart! We had gone into OB emergency on 3 different occasions thinking she was ready to deliver, only to return home disappointed. I was getting worried that the only way Kiki would go in again was if she saw his head popping out! Luckily - her water broke instead! (like I said - huge blessing.)
We're planning on being the perfect parents and never having any problems with him whatsoever. We've already started him in piano lessons and we're working on his espanol (that means spanish). I'm quite disappointed that he hasn't taken his first steps yet, but I'm sure it will happen this next week. He did, however, say his first word a few days ago, which may be surprising to some of you; but remember, we're perfect parents with a perfect son. His first word was "Gleba". (For those of you who don't know, gleba is the fleshy spore-bearing inner mass of certain fungi, such as the puffball or stinkhorn.)
On a more serious note, we are so grateful to all of you for your continued prayers throughout our journey to get him here. It has been longer than we anticipated, which has made us so much more thankful that he is finally here. We truly couldn't have made it without you.
He's a beautiful healthy boy and is pretty much perfect in our eyes. We are incredibly humbled by the opportunity and responsibility we have been given to be his parents. We take comfort, however, in the fact that he will be surrounded by righteous grandparents and great-grandparents, aunts and uncles, great-aunts and great-uncles, cousins and second-cousins who love him and welcome him into the family!

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